5 centimeters per second
Posted on February 28th, 2008
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 2:06 pm
a. A fantastic film by Makoto Shinkai.
b. The speed at which snow falls.
c. The speed at which I felt the train to Vancouver was going at some points.
d. All of the above.
If you answered d, you’re right. The train was slow. I mean, ridiculously slow. About double the time of driving by my estimate, even including my usual border wait (about 5 minutes at the time of day I drive,) and any stops I make along the way. Atleast I should have a functioning automobile of my own when I get back – the ignition system’s already fixed (ignition computer bit the dust) and the clutch is being replaced for good measure (it was getting a bit soft.)
*emo materials start here*
Meanwhile, I’m just chillin in BC in what will likely be the last time I hang out in Vancouver with Danielle for a long while. She might come down before she heads out to Montreal (I really hope she can make that work at least,) but this brings this arc to a close. I suppose it’ll only get more bittersweet from here too. I really love her, and I’ll miss her accordingly. Maybe I should aim for a school out East.
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Dead Cars, Vindictive Birds and Temporary Reprives
Posted on February 24th, 2008
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 3:33 am
So, life has been crazy lately. Given the college rejection, people hacking the website, a bird defecating on my shirt on the way into work, and another car in my care breaking down (my dad’s ’88 escort – seems the electronic ignition system is shot,) one might think I’m approaching Job territory (ok, nothing that melodramatic, but I like the metaphor.)
However, Danielle came down for a few days and then I took her home and hung out for a day, and that was very nice. We went to Gameworks and nosed around downtown Seattle while she was here, and her dad took us to dinner at the best Thai place in Vancouver, Sawadee, while I was up there, and in general, we just spent some Quality Control together. Makes the fact that she’s moving out East perhaps that much more difficult, but for the moment it’s good. I’ll even be back up in Vancouver later this week…
…assuming I have a car. Maybe the Greyhound is in order? Or will it catch on fire and shoot bees out of the tail pipe at me? 😉
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That’s right I’m back…
Posted on February 17th, 2008
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 12:28 am
Guess… who’s… baaaack?
So, for all the great stuff wordpress can back up, it figures that my links aren’t one of those things. Thus, I’m running with minimal linkage for the moment. Maybe I’ll add stuff back, maybe I won’t – depends on my laziness. Anyways, for the moment I’m back. BTW, the new redirect structure (.com -> blog) is intentional, as I might build something akin to a front page at some point in the future. Maybe.
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Posted on February 13th, 2008
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 11:32 pm
So, I was basically rejected by the university I wanted to get into. So, looks like I’m an epic fail guy. They’ll apparently forward my app to the state university of my choice (for $50,) so if anyone has any good ideas in regards to 4 year schools with good Comp Sci programs I should apply to in the state of Washington, or really anywhere at this point, that’d be great. I’d really like to finish my degree. I mean, if I’m not going to eat off of music, I’d atleast like to support myself somehow, and I know selling computer parts for 10 bucks an hour isn’t going to cut it.
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It is officially released.
Posted on November 23rd, 2007
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 1:05 am
So yeah, buy my CDs and such. The Romance Language reprint with a whole extra song on it is available too.
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How do I broked finger?
Posted on October 10th, 2007
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 7:28 pm
See the previous post. Meanwhile, several stitches and a couple perscriptions later, and well, I guess things could be worse. Still, it’s going to be fun as stuff heals up. Fun in that not fun at all way.
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If wasn’t for bad luck…
Posted on October 9th, 2007
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 8:19 pm
It’s amazing how quickly everything can go wrong.
One moment, you’re in middle of a lovely day out on the town with your girlfriend – the first real break you’ve had since you’ve started working at your new job, next you’ve smashed your finger in the excessively spring-loaded and heavy bathroom door in the Japanese restaurant you’re eating at, paramedics checking to make sure you don’t pass out from shock/pain. Of course, insult is always added to injury – my girlfriend accidentally lost her awesome leather coat too. Oh, and the injury stopped me from taking my girlfriend back to Canada.
Why for? Well, it still hurts insanely bad, and I still probably have to go a doctor tomorrow; my finger is badly bruised, the nail bed is mostly ripped out, and the fingerprint area is partially ripped up and may need stitches. Shoot, for all I know, it might even be fractured or something. I guess we’ll see tomorrow.
PS: Did I mention my insurance hasn’t kicked in yet?
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Posted on September 25th, 2007
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 6:52 pm
So, I’m now on WordPress 2.3. Hopefully everything still works.
Edit: Yes it’s working.
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Statistically Improbable.
Posted on August 13th, 2007
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 10:52 pm
Just in case things didn’t seem exceedingly mundane enough…
So, off of one soda (specifically, a Lime Crush,) I won a soda. Then, from that soda I won another soda. From that soda I won a candy bar. Additionally, the next soda I bought also won me a free soda, and that soda won me nothing. 1 in 3 odds? Either it’s more like 3 in 5, or I’ve had an usual level of success, some more like 1 in 30. Oh, and I haven’t cashed in that candy bar. That could win me something for all I know.
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Posted on August 9th, 2007
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 6:46 pm
So, I’m currently in Castlegar, BC with my girlfriend, generally chilling. We went out to a lake today so she could attempt to teach me to swim. I say attempt as when it comes to feats of physical prowess, I’m nigh useless. However, I do feel that I’ve learned enough that I wouldn’t die immediately upon being thrown into a body of water – I might have a good 30 seconds before I went under. Maybe with a few more lessons, I might actually learn enough to say I can swim.
Currently, my lovely lady is playing some Harvest Moon for some extreme dating/farming sim action, while I goof around on the net via the Wi-Fi I setup for her mom last night while watching some TV. Ah, a vacation.
Basically, I’m getting a bit of break before heading into the last two weeks of August and the first week or so of September at a break neck pace. That should be fun*.
*=only partially sarcastic.