5 centimeters per second

Posted on February 28th, 2008

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 2:06 pm

a. A fantastic film by Makoto Shinkai.
b. The speed at which snow falls.
c. The speed at which I felt the train to Vancouver was going at some points.
d. All of the above.

If you answered d, you’re right. The train was slow. I mean, ridiculously slow. About double the time of driving by my estimate, even including my usual border wait (about 5 minutes at the time of day I drive,) and any stops I make along the way. Atleast I should have a functioning automobile of my own when I get back – the ignition system’s already fixed (ignition computer bit the dust) and the clutch is being replaced for good measure (it was getting a bit soft.)

*emo materials start here*

Meanwhile, I’m just chillin in BC in what will likely be the last time I hang out in Vancouver with Danielle for a long while. She might come down before she heads out to Montreal (I really hope she can make that work at least,) but this brings this arc to a close. I suppose it’ll only get more bittersweet from here too. I really love her, and I’ll miss her accordingly. Maybe I should aim for a school out East.

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