owning up to the worst music ever

Posted on July 10th, 2010

Filed under: Music News — Karl Olson @ 7:38 pm

EDIT – Living Link Again:cuo2duo – comp1337

1. Yes, that was me.
2. Yes, it is horrible, offensive and stupid, but it’s a satire of image board culture, so it can’t be anything but those things. Think of it more through a Mark Twain perspective if you put any thought it into it. I didn’t.
2a. The instrumentals are nice though. very different for me.
3. Yes, it does mean last year I put out 119 songs.
3a. If you count writing the backings for and producing rai’s album.
3b. More than 119 if you count the c2d instrumentals separate from the album.
4. Yes, that means about half of everything I put out last year was freely available, and the rest was easily piratable.

So, you can see why I can take some time off to finish university. Not many musicians in general have ever been that prolific in that time frame, and I did so with plenty of generosity in the process. Thing a week? Try 2+.

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