Neck troubles.

Posted on May 21st, 2009

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 4:54 pm

So, my life continues to be more “interesting” than I want. If my car’s radiator dying and getting a new job wasn’t interesting enough, I some how managed to strain my neck (specifically the left trapezius.) It wasn’t going away, so I went to the doctor, confirmed what it was. Now, I’m on Soma so the muscles can maybe relax, but that leaves pretty much useless for driving. I made a point to read up on the drug before taking my first dose, and well, it really does leave me a bit loopy as described (unlike Vicodin, which was prescribed for my smashed finger and my wisdom tooth extractions, and proved to be as useful as Advil.) I hope I’m good to go for Google I/O, but with my luck, I won’t be.

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