An evening of pure rock.

Posted on June 25th, 2006

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 12:46 pm

So, I saw the Pillows at the Crocodile Cafe yesterday, and that was pretty cool by itself, but I definitely didn’t go alone either. See, I not only went with people from Anime Kingdom, I not only went with people from BCC, I had a number of people from both those groups plus a friend from the internet and a fan (of Rai and I) (though I knew her previously I didn’t realize that she’d become a nerdcore fan because, of well, me) both of whom I ran into after the show (well, I saw Ferquin earlier but we couldn’t hang out until later.) Thus, inspite of the fact that it was insanely miserably hot inside of the club (the words “finnish sauna” were spoken by the drummer about the situation,) it was just an outstanding experience. I mean, seeing a great rock concert is awesome – it can be a pretty amazing experience by itself, but to do that with tons of friends from pretty much everything I’m involved in, shoot – normally I don’t get that kind of awesome until PAX, if then.

Granted, I was kind hoping to get everyone together for bubble tea post-show, and though that didn’t quite pan out, I think on the whole it’s not too much of a thing – to everyone who I couldn’t hang out with last night, I’ll make it up to you within the summer. That’s a promise, because you’re all awesome, even if it means some forming an uberposse of people at PAX. I mean with Anime Kingdom friends, BCC friends, nerdcore friends/fans, fellow nerdcore artists, various people from various internet forums and maybe a couple camera crews too? Sounds like quite a party to me. Or full-out insanity. Either way, it’ll rock. Still, maybe hanging out in smaller groups would be more advisable. Oh well, whatever happens, happens. 😀

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