Progress And Regress Towards Success

Posted on May 18th, 2006

Filed under: Music News — Karl Olson @ 3:10 am

Boy, I’ve been music-centric lately! I’m sure this might be annoying to people who’d rather hear about other minutiae about from my day to day life, but I’m pretty sure “Statistical Analysis is Boring” would get to be pretty old very quick, so really I assure you, this is more interesting (ok, I’ll put in some “General” stuff in here too.) Anyway, Rai came over (rather, I picked her up at her place on the way to me dropping some old stuff of my little bro’s at Value Village where Rai picked up a couple pair of inline-skates for cosplay, and we picked up my little bro from school after that, and oh yeah, at Value Village I received a call from my friend Ben in Korea about AX stuff — there you go, some general boring blog stuff) to work on the first what will hopefully eventually maybe be an EP or an album’s worth of collaboration, and we got a lot of work done, and really, it’s wonderful stuff so far. In fact, she’s probably a more natural vocalist than myself in someways, or atleast I get that vibe listening to some of my work after listening to the preliminary stuff she’s layed down.

Which brings me to a side point, which is I think I may radically overhaul parts of OpenSource Lyricist. It’ll be slow going because I’m not necessarily a natural vocalist, but I really want it to sound good. Especially since there are collaborations pending for this CD (Tycho almost definitely, Rai probably, Nurse Hella maybe,) I really need to hold my own as much as I can. However, it’s only certain parts that need it, so it’s not like I need to retake everything, just certain glaring omissions in my performances. So, there is title of this post explain: there is progress in my nerdcore work towards success, but sometimes I need to edit undo. Yay non-linear editing.

Anyway, while Rai and I managed to get quite a bit of work done on the song (only need to record one more verse, which might, maybe be recorded by the nerdcore documentary crew,) it was insanely hot and humid in my bedroom/studio because of the record temperatures and because the only way to get a clean enough recording was to shut the window, turn off the ceiling and shut the door, keeping in the heat of two people, one desktop and one laptop – not the most comfortable situation, but yet it was still a lot of fun. The heat left me pretty out of it at points, but really I think it was one of the most rewarding musical experiences I’ve had in a while – maybe even since my live gig. I never thought I’d really be into collaboration to this degree, but some how it’s just satisfying. I can’t wait to do more work like this, and in general I think I want to try to work like this more. When the energy is right, it’s fantastic.

So, after about 6-7 hours of recording work, we had dinner (thanks mom and thanks McDonalds – hmm Salad and Powerade,) and then I took Rai home (with detours to Bellevue Square Mall, the park across from that mall for some inline-skate action and Jamba Juice.) Alas, more general noise. This post delivers. 😉

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