This Moment of Clarity/This Moment of Honesty

Posted on July 25th, 2005

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 10:14 am

Visited my grandmother’s grave to today (the moment of clarity) and some more friends and relatives who I’m just meeting for the first time, and as such, my dad and grandpa have volumes more to say to them than I. Needless to say, I’ve now finished the 6th HP book again while I’m here, and I must say that reading though it at a more leisurely pace has been much more rewarding and useful. I’ve also cracked into rereading Kare Kano, which in the light of the more recent volumes is quite useful as it makes Soichiro’s actions seem like less of a snap in the later volumes when you read it all in one shot. I’m on volume 7 btw.

On the not done list is sending out a CD I should really send out since it’s been payed for (I’ll get it tomarrow) and reading my friends blogs, but some how I’ll get to it.

Anyway, about time for Ember’s to close up shop, so I’ve got a check to pay. Later 😀


14 hours later, I’m now sitting in the Lakeview CoffeeHouse in Downtown Duluth. Still haven’t caught up on everyone elses blogs, but I have been enjoying the view and a very nice Raspberry Ice Tea. Ah, nothing like free internet with a cool refreshment. Very relaxing. I should get another ice tea.

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