By the way,
Posted on April 6th, 2009
Filed under: General,Music News — Karl Olson @ 12:00 am
4 new songs are now up at the myspace. If you’re wondering what the new record is gonna sound like, what I’ve posted should give you a pretty good idea of what it’ll be like. Also, some promo copies are now making the rounds. If anyone actually talks about them, I’ll be pleasantly surprised.
Also, I’ll be at SakuraCon obviously. If you want to get a hold of me there, you should probably contact me in advance as it sounds like it’s going to be huge and thus difficult to find folks in a crowd.
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in anticipation of SakuraCon!
Posted on March 12th, 2009
Filed under: General,Music News — Karl Olson @ 11:22 pm
A song and dn’b remix of said song, all about GIRUGAMESH It is intentionally wack.
Have no idea what I’m talking about? Check here.
Lyrics after the break (more…)
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oh wow
Posted on February 15th, 2009
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 8:02 pm
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so ill in the literal sense
Posted on February 8th, 2009
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 3:52 pm
As in, congestion, exhaustion and general malaise, and it’s distracting enough that I can’t sleep it off. Seems to be viral too, which means all I can do it ride it out until it’s done.
Atleast there is a Spongebob marathon I can watch.
Edit: n/m that’s over. Hopefully something interesting will be on.
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small victories
Posted on January 31st, 2009
Filed under: General,Music News — Karl Olson @ 5:49 am
Things have obviously been, well, less than awesome for me this month. Actually, I’d go so far as to say it’s been one of the most emotionally strenuous points in my life so far. However, as the month draws to a close, there are some silver linings.
I am technically employed, as I’m doing some interface design and audio work for my friend Misu’s company. Granted, there won’t be money in it until the apps are built and on sale, but it’s something. It gives me an immediate point of focus that isn’t as weighty as my future (college choice) and family issues. Additionally, I’ve put XP on Rai’s laptop, condemning to Vista to death and allowing her to work independently on vocals again, and I’ve sent her a bunch of tracks to work with. Yet again, it’s another upbeat point of focus. Danielle’s got a place in Vancouver again too, and while that isn’t necessarily immediate, it’s nice that she’s relatively near again – just the thought lifts my spirits a bit.
To be fair, those positive developments don’t change the other things on my plate, and I obviously don’t want them to become distractions from the main tasks at hand, but still I’m glad to have the excuse to do some fun things too.
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Posted on January 24th, 2009
Filed under: General,Music News — Karl Olson @ 5:01 am
another sign that God love you.” – Lupe Fiasco, “Real” from Food & Liquor
So, my grandfather has been buried in Duluth. That was last weekend for me. It’s still sort of weird to think about it. I imagine it’d be a heavier weight to bare if not for other goings on, though any time I really meditate on it it gets to me, and I cry.
My mom’s vision is currently messed up – a partially detached and torn retina tends to do that. She goes in for surgery next Wednesday. If you’re the praying type, now would be a good time.
I got a hold of Rai, finally dropped off her copies of Final Boss. Maybe with a little luck, we’ll actually get work done such that her album is done well before I go back to school. At the very least, she’ll have a laptop with XP on it, and thus a working microphone for recording. I think we have a much better idea of where it’s headed too, so that should also help in getting things done.
I need to start into sorting though which of the schools I want to go to. I have some days of nothing but long phone calls and boring office visits with college bureaucrats ahead of me. Thankfully, having friends to turn to at the end of those days, plus a good family and lovely girlifriend to talk to helps a lot. It helps me stay grounded, and that lifts me off the ground sometimes too.
It’s weird. Things haven’t been going great at all in a lot of ways lately. It’s been down right crap. Yet, it’s these troubles that remind that I am blessed to have so many good people around me who are there for me when I need them. I haven’t even tapped everyone on that account. I’m probably lucky like that.
To everyone who helps me out: Thanks.
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Blue Screen
Posted on January 11th, 2009
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 10:30 pm
Yeah, couldn’t get any courses worth my 6 thousand dollars (between rent and tuition) to take between waiting too long about registration and apparently a record number of students at the school. So, I’m back in Kirkland for atleast the rest of this quarter. I’m rethinking everything, but I think I’ve learned something from this: I can’t last minute anything. I need solid planning, I need to talk advisors, I need to visit campuses and I need to be real about my goals and limitations. I need to be willing to further broaden my horizons in regards to major and school too.
tl;dr: no school but that does not mean no action.
PS: I hate those stupid annoying Comcast HD Intervention adverts. So annoying.
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Have a panic attack [buy some wimax], relax
Posted on January 8th, 2009
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 12:24 am
So, other than leading a blog entry with a confused paraphrase of a recent Eminem freestyle that was basically my morning (no really,) I’m gradually getting school. I finally talked to an advisor to make sure what I’m taking actually means something (nothing in my field is available right now, but I can do some work, and I should still schedule another appointment later so I can take some of the outside the major essentials next quarter,) and I now have my internet needs squared away thanks to Clear, and it’s definitely a need, like so:
“Check it, [Ultraklystron] doesn’t just want [internet] now–that’s childish. He needs it, and when you need something, that’s a responsibility that only an adult of my maturity– [GOOGLE READER!]”
Enough paraphrasing. Anyways, I still have a few other kinks to work out (which I thought I had worked out, but man, it’s just been too long since I’ve been in the college game,) but god willing I’ll make this work somehow.
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Simple Things
Posted on January 7th, 2009
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 2:38 am
So, after my Burgerville post, I did a little shopping. To be fair, I’d already done a bit, but after getting some very basic groceries and few basic kitchen thing, I realized there were some holes in equipment. Some of this was pretty non-essential stuff – like a kettle (I could always grab a spare from home when I’m up visiting) and a sink plug – some vastly, vastly more essential (a knife and paper for my printer.) However, it was nice to get out again, and think a little.
Speaking of essentials, thank you linksys for letting me post this, if you know what I mean 😉 Nothing like a little internet to take the edge off of the ronery. Still, big doings to get done, well, today actually. I should try to get some sleep.
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One is the loniest number that you ever knew
Posted on January 6th, 2009
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 11:39 pm
I think I’ve just jumped from the tutorial to expert mode.
I miss my grandpa.
I miss my home.
I miss my family.
I miss my friends.
I desperately miss Danielle. Being alone in a studio apartment, shopping for groceries – these small things make realize just how much I love her, how much I miss her, and how well she compliments me. I really hope she can visit sooner rather than later.
Tomorrow, school, and getting my own internet (as even though I enjoy Burgerville, I can’t afford to make a habit of it, both physically or monetarily.)