To the LJ Readers

Posted on April 30th, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 5:06 pm

Looks like the new version of the LJ/Wordpress crosspost plugin chokes on embedded video. Now, in the future, I’ll just link to youtube and such, but the old posts are broken now. As such, you may need to look through the actual site for older posts, not LJ (or atleast until I have time to fix a lot of older entries.

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Posted on April 30th, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 3:44 am

Well, atleast partially so. Took for ever for me to work where in the giant mysql backup the actual information was, but I finally found it, and thus atleast the blog part of this site is running. Hopefully, LJ crossposting is also back up as well so that all of my friends there can also rejoice in the good news, if allowing me to have an outlet to rant can be called “good news.”

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Back In The US / Concert After-Thoughts

Posted on March 20th, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 12:55 am

So, after a week or so spent largely in another country (Canada,) I’m back in the US for atleast a couple weeks. It was definitely time well-spent, as for the first time since December, I was able to spent time with my girlfriend w/o some major event/concert/convention eating up most of the time. I’ll spare readers the details, but in short, great food + great shopping + a great city + wonderful company = an awesome time.

Of course, there was still a little concert in all that, and I’d have to say it was one of my favorite nerdcore shows to date, at least in terms of concerts I actually performed at. Of course, the fact I was able to really just lay down a very good set without any technical difficulties nor memory glitches helped that notion, but the fact that everyone else gave it there all and did awesome sets certainly aided and abetted that sentiment as well. The whole night made me think that Nerdcore really does have room for some more big artists, and that I could maybe even be one of them. Maybe. 😉

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Nekodashi’s Back, Finally.

Posted on March 10th, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 3:56 pm

Watch as album sales tumble 😉 (which is fine, because I’m not in the US to ship them right now anyway.)

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Upgrades n’ Downgrades / Second Pressing

Posted on March 1st, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 4:48 am

I upgraded the computer with a new mobo/proc/mem, so I’m now running a Pentium D 915 w/ 2GB of SuperTalent DDR2-667 (thats only running at 533 thanks to the mediocre but free ECS mobo I’m running.) This required an XP reinstall, which was fine outside of forgetting to keep a copy of my custom Litestep skin, leaving me back on Explorer again as I dislike Litestep skins that have anything more than a pop-up, a sys-tray and clock. Next time I’m bored, I’ll fix it, but for now I’m fine I suppose. I also need to find my Office install discs too, but I do so little word processing and such, so I have very little reason to search.

Besides, the main priority lately has been shipping the copies of the new CD that many people (read: nerdcore fans who already bought Revision, other nerdcore artists and nerdcore documentarians.) Thanks to my negligence in terms of keeping tabs on which version of files I was using, the 2nd run has a little print issue, but a different one than the first run, so I suppose it’s just as collectible, though I’d hope the main reason people are being the CD is to listen to it, especially since it looks like nekodashi has no ETA for resurrection (let this be a lesson to me: never trust friends to pay website bills that aren’t their own on time.) No zip package up yet, but check back in the next day or so.

Oh, and it’s snowing outside and sticking. And it’s March in Washington state. Not the first time by any means, just something unexpected.

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The system is down.

Posted on February 21st, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 5:59 pm

Or atleast, my music hosting site, is. I have no clue why, and I can’t seem to get a hold of my friend who hosts the site to find out why, so for the moment, I guess I’m kind of stuck. Hopefully, I can resolve it quickly soon. If not, a temporary zip filled with the Romance Language preview mp3s might be kicked up on this site or atleast via rapidshare or something.

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See, I’m really working on it…

Posted on February 13th, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 1:17 pm

I’m pretty happy with it.

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Nerd == Nerd^2

Posted on February 2nd, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 5:05 am

I say this because I am now a Linux User. Well, not a full time Linux User, and besides, the only reason I’m using it now is because Windows absolutely, positively refused to install on a 12″ Dell Laptop my friend Misu gave me. However, Linux (specifically, Damn Small Linux as I’m running a 384MB flash hard drive,) runs quite nicely on it, and it even fires up wifi (which is critical as the whole point of this exercise was getting a lighter laptop running for convention reporting and general usefulness,) so I guess I’m now partially penguinated, atleast when I’m not at home and using my sweet sweet XP machine, though I’d probably even trade that in if the next version of Reason ran on Linux. After all, the rest of my day to day work – word processing, internets chatting, net browsing, image editing and video viewing can be done in Linux. I just can’t make music the way I’m used to (IE: too lazy to try Linux music making software.)

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Hectic Holidays

Posted on December 25th, 2006

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 2:56 am

The weeks in between my last post and this post have certainly been a little busy, but very interesting. After all, between multiple power outages, getting slashdotted with my nerdcore compatriots, escaping said power-outages by staying with my best friend, getting booked for a second show in Vegas, getting booked for a show in Seattle, and working on my album all the while (though it just received a big assist thanks to a certain producer/beatsmith,) literally come hell or high water as even my basement threatened to flood, I’d be a liar if I said the last couple weeks were uneventful.

However, as the year winds to a close, things are looking up. I do have 3 gigs in the new year, more than any year prior, two documentaries about Nerdcore are coming out, I have 2 great albums nearing release with another in the pipes, and I finally have a girl I love and care about with everything I have because I trust her and just being with her is wonderful. I know where I want to continue my college education, I know what I want from my music and in general, I’ve never had a greater sense of clarity of what I want from life, or at least the paths available to me have been so clearly delineated for me. I mean, I still have multiple options in my life, and they are arguably very disparate. However, I feel like I can pursue all of them – I finally have that confidence.

So, Happy Holidays everyone, whatever that holiday may be.

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Breaking and Entering.

Posted on December 5th, 2006

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 3:45 am

Cool in a normal way: Enjoying great music and hilarious cartoons at an excellent friend’s house. I mean, coming into a house with a PS2 that has Aqua Teen Hunger Force already cued up is awesome, but breaking into singing songs from Beck’s One Foot For The Grave? That’s outstanding.

Cool in a not as normal way: The same friend also helped to fix my headlight in the parking lot of a Target. I probably couldn’t have done by myself, or atleast I was having a lot of trouble, and having that friend with me made it ok. Holding each others’ grease covered hands as we walked into the store just diffused any stress or worry about the whole problem.

Cool in a completely bizarre way: Getting locked out of said friend’s house, and thus having to work with this friend to get back in, namely by breaking and entering in through a thankfully open window. I will never, ever forget that because even though for a second it was very worrisome, it was all ok and even funny in a sweet, silly way. I mean, I know I have had things like this happen before, but this is the first time that it was somehow ok.

Just plain cool: Sharing a lovely car ride up with said friend after a brilliantly lovely weekend. Being in love is a fantastic thing. Almost too intense sometimes, but that’s probably what makes it real. I mean, shared interests are one thing, but having similarities like making little castles out of the creamer cups that came with coffee when you were little? Connections and similarities like that are surreal, but wonderful and powerfully special.

/days blog has gone w/o emo sappiness: 0.

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