“Don’t Get Cocky, Kid!” – Han Solo

Posted on July 29th, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 2:40 am

So, my driver’s licence was returned to me via the upstanding members of Mega64, so I won’t have to be sent to the “we think you’re evil” line at the airport. Meanwhile, SpikeTV interviewed a bunch of Nerdcore rappers after the Friday show at the Capcom Booth including myself, they even had YT Cracker and I freestyle, and for once I really feel like I was on my game and that it came out very well. That should air in a couple weeks on Spike’s Game Head, if it makes it to air. Additionally, I recieved a free Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu! boxset at ADV’s panel, I think I might have made a pretty good press contact with Del Rey, and I finally had a chance to talk with Lance from FUNimation a little, so maybe, just maybe, I’m catching a bit of a break.

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Murphy’s Law In Overdrive

Posted on July 25th, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 9:40 pm

Any sucker can lose the shirt off his back. Only a real idiot can lose his driver’s licence in the process, all while looking for the girlfriend he lost at a huge comic convention. Also while sleep deprived and generally sour and grouchy.

I am that idiot. Nice to know whole new things can go wrong that I would never have dreams. At least the hotel has free WiFi and I got my press pass. A silver lining to a tornado hurricane.

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Posted on July 20th, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 3:17 am

In the interest of wasting of everyone’s time, I figured I’d post a random observation about myself, or rather about things I own, namely the following:

I own three different depictions of Cardcaptor Sakura in the same outfit. Specifically, a wallscroll, an 8 inch PVC figure and a small coin figure. This is notable because said character has dozens upon dozens of outfits both in the manga and the TV series, so to have racked up 3 versions of the same outfit in different mediums probably means I have too much anime stuff. I’ve decided to call this state of affairs ota-dose, a contraction of otaku and overdose. I mention this because I think I’m currently suffering from it. I mean, I literally have over 65 anime DVDs I haven’t watched at this point. Ok, some of that is stuff like Gravion which I won at a panel, and that I would never watch otherwise, and may never watch, but discounting that stuff and then given an average of 2 hours of content per DVD, we’re talking well over 5 days of non-stop anime. Taken in a more reasonable dose, that’d still be a good month’s worth of all my viewing being anime viewing. I am in desperate need of shelf-space, yet, I haven’t made the time to put it up because when I’m not traveling, I’m typically on the internet talking about anime and manga (though at least I have the “I’m a mod/reporter”-excuse there.) Thus I have four huge piles of manga on my floor, I have DVDs scattered all over the place and the only time I clear space on my desk or my dresser is to make room for more figurines.

In short, if you see me buying something anime that isn’t, say, a gift for a friend or a volume of DVD or manga series I’m already collecting, you’re with in rights to tell me to knock it off. It’s probably for the best if you do. Unless of course it’s from the TMS Classics DVD line. I mean, at those prices, how can I pass it up???

Oh right, that’s probably why I ended up with different versions of the same thing in the first place. -_-;

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Posted on July 18th, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 10:23 am

So, basically I’ve not really been “home” for more than about 12 hours since late June, and I have to say, being back home after having done so much is bizarre, especially given that there were two very distinct segments of time spent in those past few weeks; I.E. I came home after being in Spokane for two weeks and then thought “oh right, yeah, I went to an anime con right before I left for Spokane.” I mean, I walked into my room last night (earlier this morning actually,) and I was almost disoriented for a second. I was like “oh, yeah, I bought that great Cardcaptor Sakura statuette, oh and those ADV boxsets – wait, I won an ADV boxset too! Dang, I have a lot of anime to watch.”

Of course, before the week’s over I’m back up to Canada, then back home, then out to San Diego. July’s just going to be a blur I guess.

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Qualified To Represent the LBC

Posted on June 29th, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 8:35 am

Or atleast actually in the LBC, as I’m here for AX. I’m mooching some free wi-fi from the hotel I’m at (side note: boourns on said wi-fi only being free in the Lobby. That’s a lame move for a luxury chain like the Westin.) Of course, I’m on my lightweight but underpowered Linux laptop, but it’ll hold up for taking notes at panels (blantant plug: stick with ToonZone.net for all the latest AX coverage,) and for general internet usage.

Oh, and I think I set a new personal sleep-less record – I went from about noon on Wednesday to about 10pm Thursday. Alas, I didn’t think I was a hummingbird by the end of all that.

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Searching for Validation (Edit: Found.)

Posted on June 24th, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 12:50 am

So, after some more messing around, I finally have my site working nicely and looking good (actually it’s better than it was on both accounts,) even on vaguely older browsers (like Internet Explorer 6.0.) However, the site doesn’t at all validate as well, proper anything – XHTML, HTML – you name it. Of course, neither did the old template, so I’m not that sour about things, but I have a feeling it’ll be easier said that done to get it to validate as at least XHTML 1.0 Transitional (though it’d be cool if it were truly XHTML 1.1 compliant.)

Oh well, time to turn the clock back to where I was a decade or so ago, building a website to promote my music and learning the proper code to do so as I went along. ^_^

Edit: Turns out I’m still sorta decent at web programming. The main page atleast is now vaild XHTML 1.0 Transitional with valid CSS.

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Remixed from Scratch.

Posted on June 19th, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 4:09 am

Having recently picked up a book on WordPress, I decided to rebuild the template from scratch, and variable width at that. A few online tutorials later (so much for the book, though it did give me a few clues,) and I have a what I want more or less. If there are some usability problems, give me a shout. After all, this is my first real attempt at a from scratch CSS layout.

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New for 2007.

Posted on May 31st, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 4:57 pm

I was running some errands today (mailing off a CD order, getting some fabric glue, getting lunch at Sushi Land – largely typical stuff) and since I was in the neighborhood, I’d figure I’d nose into Target. Now, as a some of you might know, around this time last year I bought a hat at Target that has become, at points, something of a signature look for me. So, with that in mind, the first place I went was the same dollar store section of the Target, and what should I find there but this:
Karl In A New Cowboy Hat
A new, one dollar hat. Made from real straw this time even. It’s not quite as good a fit, but it doesn’t pinch either (it just flies off in a breeze.)

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Posted on May 11th, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 6:46 am

…My site design some more, that is. I’ve added a nice a little top bar with some static pages with theoretically useful information (like where to listen to my music, who I am and how to contact me,) and I’ve moved the post catagories up there too. Hopefully, this aids in navigation rather than detracting from it. Besides, I’d rather have a less than perfect top bar than have a double right side column I’ve seen on sites like Fark and SA – I don’t have that much info on my site, so I have no need to resort to pug ugly webdesign (well, pug uglier webdesign.)

Of course, all those pages should probably be fleshed out some more. However, I accidentally pulled an all-nighter getting the framework setup, so I think a few hours of sleep are in order first. Well, after a few random asides:

-I also did some actual overhauling these week, or atleast a little car repair with my dad. Air Mass Flow Sensor on my mom’s car died, resulting in the car’s computer freaking out a bit. I’ve been driving my grandpa’s car, a Mercury Grand Marquis, as such. As much as I like driving in a car with a fully-functional sound system, the gas it guzzles is lame.

Tokyopop ganked/autorepeated my SakuraCon2007 wrap up, but at least I was credited along with Toon Zone.

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Palette Swap, New Sprites And New Dialog Boxes

Posted on May 1st, 2007

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 3:27 am

To put it another way, I shifted back to a gray BG (sorry, I like it, it manages my Windows color scheme,) and I add some new banners to the rotation, some of which are much contrast, necessitating a little modification of the header text area (personally, I think it has a bit of a CNN International-flare to it.) It’s a bit of celebratory thing in relation to being back up after being down for almost a month, but it’s mostly to keep the site from being so visually repetitive that even I’m tired of looking at it.

PS: I also finally uploaded the CSS file for the old blog archives, making them much visually appealing to you, the end user.

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