April Fools Love Letter
Posted on April 1st, 2012
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 1:52 am
In the July of 2000, my life’s course was irrevocably altered. After having seen a simply epic TV promo for an anime (Japanese cartoon,) named Tenchi Muyo, I absolutely had to watch it. So, on that July day, I flipped the channel to Cartoon Network, and watched the show. At first, I was just as unimpressed as I was with the other anime shows, but ultimately I did really fall for the show. By the next summer, I had started to collect anime series on DVD, and two summers after that, I attended my first anime convention. All of this was thanks to a little anime block on Cartoon Network by the name of Toonami and the fact they aired Tenchi. So much of my life as it is now is directly tied to that interest. I probably wouldn’t even be going to university in Canada if not for anime, as it was friends in that community that got me to go to SFU for Anime Evolution back in the day.
So, when Cartoon Network decided to use the Toonami packaging as an April Fool’s gag. I have to say, I was overwhelmed. It’s been over a decade since that fateful day, but I have to admit that I wouldn’t at all be the man I am today without that. It’s weird to think about that.
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