I can take or leave it if I please
Posted on September 13th, 2009
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 3:16 am
The past few weeks since the last blog post have been nothing if not busy, and while I’ve certainly done my fair share of tweeting, for my own record keeping, I feel like doing a round up.
Well, I made my way back from Canada, missing Danielle the whole way and thinking I’d be camping the next day with my friends. Alas, I could’ve stayed the extra day, as we wouldn’t hit the road until monday, though the extra day did afford a trip up to Walmart for supplies (the camp stove fuel being especially importantly actually.)
Thus, on the last monday of August we punched on through to Port Twilight err Port Angeles (seriously, that town is absolutely pandering to the Twihard demo,) and on up to the Salt Creek Recreation Area. The area was gorgeous, and outside of an accidental 8-mile death hike, it was a blast of a time. Sure, it would’ve been nice to have remembered to bring my roll-up camping mattress, but after the hike, my back wasn’t what hurt – my legs just felt like someone took a wiffle-ball bat to them. It was fun boiling up soup and water for tea and ramen, cooking hot dogs over the camp fire was fun and really, it’s the first I’ve ever spent that kind of extended time with some of those friends. Lots of cool photos came out of that trip as well.
After a day off, it was PAX time, and well, 13 free shirts (two of which I gave away out of the gate, and another 5 or more will also eventually end up in friends hands if not charity,) scads of swag and 3 days later, and I have to say that it was pretty ok. I mean, I was absolutely ecstatic to see Rai perform with Front. It really should have happened last year at PAX though scheduling issues prevented that, but her performance this year just really shows how much better she’s become even over her existing skill level. We really gotta get that record done. Beefy also tore it up on “Nerdcore Rising” as expected. However, outside of the usual PAX fun (goofing around Pictochat, catching up with various acquaintances and friends,) it was pretty chill.
The past week? Marathoning and reviewing Gakuen Alice, going through the paperwork and law regarding dual citizenship and gathering up various phone numbers I’ll have to call in regards to getting back to school. Oh, and going to Endfest 18 and going a friend’s birthday party. Quite the nonstop month I’ve had once one factors in my trip to Canada.
Still, I’m not satisfied – I know I have more to get done.
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