Inglourious Foam Party

Posted on August 23rd, 2009

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 11:46 am

So, for the first time in forever, Nursehella and I caught a movie together (well, Hella’s friend April also came along, but to me the key point was finally seeing a movie with Hella for the first time since the last Pirates of the Caribbean,) namely Tarentino’s Inglourious Basterds. As expected, it had Tarantino’s usual blend of indulgent film references and over-the-top violence, though seeing that brutality applied to Nazis? Way better, as you have absolutely no sympathy for any of the characters being wrecked up (consider it the opposite of Kill Bill in that regard.) Normally, one wouldn’t laugh at a man’s corpse being desecrated with entire clip from a machine gun, but when the corpse is… well, I don’t want to spoil it, but lets just if WWII had played how Tarantino dreamed it, it would have been a vastly more satisfying result. I mean, the theater was cheering by the end of the flick.

However, rather than just settle for having seen an excellent movie, we also went to a foam party at the Element in Castlegar. The music wasn’t too hot, but it was amusing to see people try to enter and exit the foam. There is a viral video in filming that I think. Anyways, I wasn’t dressed for the occasion, but it was fun to get a little dancing in and talk to some of Hella’s old friends. Good times.

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