Nostalgia Drifting
Posted on July 23rd, 2009
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 5:17 am
So, what with Nerdcore For Life apparently being on the road to public, commercial availability, and being in need of extras, I naturally thought, “I know a jerk who can do commentary on the creative process of other people while lacking any skills in said arena – me!” Of course, I doubt that’ll come to pass, but it got me looking at the old Sealab reviews of my commentary, and it turns out I missed some gems.
Amazon actually seems to think I’m informative…
…but this guy seems to have fallen for the troll, and hard…
…while FilmJunk and E! Insider got the point…
…and Digitally Obsessed actually enjoyed my work.
Funny thing is, much like any song I’ve written before about 2002, I really can’t even listen to that commentary without cringing a bit if not a lot. It’s tacky and awkward, and well, undeserved even if the show was mediocre as Adam and Matt are good folks employing animators (something that Cartoon Network seems to be actively be working against.) Yet, I’ve received as much if not more ink and blog noise for those 15 minutes as I probably have for music since I started putting songs on the net about a decade ago. Seems kind of broken, doesn’t it?
Bringing it full circle, I wonder if one day I’ll look at Nerdcore For Life and Nerdcore Rising the same way as I do that commentary and my older music. I mean, yeah, I am hideously nerdy in those docs, but will I rue that? For now, I doubt it. I mean, when I look at them, and it’s clear Danielle’s already borrowing my hats before we’ve ever even thought about going out amongst cute cues, and well, that sweet foreshadowing will always hold a special place in my heart. They’re still lovely time capsules – may they always be.
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Slightly related. I wonder if in the next few generations only the Amish, Luddite or insane will ever be able to run for political office. Everyone is quirkier or crazier when they’re young, but society doesn’t seem to be getting less stupidly prudish at the same rate that it’s adding cameras and video recorders to devices and locations.
Comment by Justin D-Z — July 24, 2009 @ 8:19 am