Back In The US / Concert After-Thoughts
Posted on March 20th, 2007
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 12:55 am
So, after a week or so spent largely in another country (Canada,) I’m back in the US for atleast a couple weeks. It was definitely time well-spent, as for the first time since December, I was able to spent time with my girlfriend w/o some major event/concert/convention eating up most of the time. I’ll spare readers the details, but in short, great food + great shopping + a great city + wonderful company = an awesome time.
Of course, there was still a little concert in all that, and I’d have to say it was one of my favorite nerdcore shows to date, at least in terms of concerts I actually performed at. Of course, the fact I was able to really just lay down a very good set without any technical difficulties nor memory glitches helped that notion, but the fact that everyone else gave it there all and did awesome sets certainly aided and abetted that sentiment as well. The whole night made me think that Nerdcore really does have room for some more big artists, and that I could maybe even be one of them. Maybe. 😉
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