Hectic Holidays

Posted on December 25th, 2006

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 2:56 am

The weeks in between my last post and this post have certainly been a little busy, but very interesting. After all, between multiple power outages, getting slashdotted with my nerdcore compatriots, escaping said power-outages by staying with my best friend, getting booked for a second show in Vegas, getting booked for a show in Seattle, and working on my album all the while (though it just received a big assist thanks to a certain producer/beatsmith,) literally come hell or high water as even my basement threatened to flood, I’d be a liar if I said the last couple weeks were uneventful.

However, as the year winds to a close, things are looking up. I do have 3 gigs in the new year, more than any year prior, two documentaries about Nerdcore are coming out, I have 2 great albums nearing release with another in the pipes, and I finally have a girl I love and care about with everything I have because I trust her and just being with her is wonderful. I know where I want to continue my college education, I know what I want from my music and in general, I’ve never had a greater sense of clarity of what I want from life, or at least the paths available to me have been so clearly delineated for me. I mean, I still have multiple options in my life, and they are arguably very disparate. However, I feel like I can pursue all of them – I finally have that confidence.

So, Happy Holidays everyone, whatever that holiday may be.

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