Breaking and Entering.

Posted on December 5th, 2006

Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 3:45 am

Cool in a normal way: Enjoying great music and hilarious cartoons at an excellent friend’s house. I mean, coming into a house with a PS2 that has Aqua Teen Hunger Force already cued up is awesome, but breaking into singing songs from Beck’s One Foot For The Grave? That’s outstanding.

Cool in a not as normal way: The same friend also helped to fix my headlight in the parking lot of a Target. I probably couldn’t have done by myself, or atleast I was having a lot of trouble, and having that friend with me made it ok. Holding each others’ grease covered hands as we walked into the store just diffused any stress or worry about the whole problem.

Cool in a completely bizarre way: Getting locked out of said friend’s house, and thus having to work with this friend to get back in, namely by breaking and entering in through a thankfully open window. I will never, ever forget that because even though for a second it was very worrisome, it was all ok and even funny in a sweet, silly way. I mean, I know I have had things like this happen before, but this is the first time that it was somehow ok.

Just plain cool: Sharing a lovely car ride up with said friend after a brilliantly lovely weekend. Being in love is a fantastic thing. Almost too intense sometimes, but that’s probably what makes it real. I mean, shared interests are one thing, but having similarities like making little castles out of the creamer cups that came with coffee when you were little? Connections and similarities like that are surreal, but wonderful and powerfully special.

/days blog has gone w/o emo sappiness: 0.

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