Snakes, Planes and other non-such.
Posted on August 18th, 2006
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 12:45 pm
So, I spent most of my week in a car driving back and forth to Spokane. Family stuff. Very worthwhile, but very exhausting in a way too – I have a new found respect for truckers, bus drivers and other people in motion all day everyday.
Once that was all wrapped up and I was home, I then saw Snakes on a Plane, as all net-denizens likely did, and it was a pretty good film for a popcorn flick. It definitely stands on it’s own from the internet hype, and though it’s not a classic film in terms of Spielburg or Fellini, it’s something that will still be a decent watch when it runs heavily edited on TNT a decade or so from now because it really does hit the right cues for action/horror movie.
I will, however, note that the internet hype did make it an even more interesting watch in the theater. I mean, there were people dressed up as a snake and another person dressed up as a plane, there were tons of people with rubber snakes, everyone knew the big lines and said them along with the film, and in general the audience energy was great – all though the trailers people were adding “with snakes” or “snake in/on/around a” to all the horror film trailers with dramatic narration. If you don’t atleast catch a matinee, make sure you rent it/buy it and watch it with a decent-sized group of friends – it’ll make a fun film awesome. Also, they ran a trailer for another Samuel L. Jackson movie with the word “Snake” in the name in front of main feature, and that had to be the most brilliant trailer placement ever. I have a feeling a lot more people will be turning out to Black Snake Moan now at the very least.
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