Out of Town/Currently Watching
Posted on July 19th, 2005
Filed under: General — Karl Olson @ 1:48 am
Gonna be in Minnesota for the next couple weeks. Expect my activity online to be spotty at best. To the AK people, you get two weeks sans me and my little bro! I’m certain some of you (all of you?) are ecstatic at that proposition. Who knows, maybe I’ll make it a regular thing. I’ve been feeling out of phase more and more lately anyway. Meanwhile, I’ll be visiting people my father and grandfather know. Note that I made no mention of me knowing people. Yeah, I know of them, but this will be the first time meeting a lot of folks, and the few I have met, I haven’t seen since I turned 7. Basically lots of introductions. Should be interesting. Might even be bloggable if I can find some free wifi or broadband.
Currently Watching (New This Season, Not Continuing):
+KamiChu – Best story this season. Calling it adorable is an understatement, but there is a really bitter sweet quality to it too. Very good writing. TV Asahi gets some pretty good shows through it’s doors. They aired Koi Kaze last year. OTOH, they ran SpeedGrapher this year, so it’s not like they are all gold. KamiChu is very good though, and highly recommended. It’s oddly credit-sequenceless, atleast in the first episode. Very different for a Japanese show.
+Ichigo Mashimaro – Best design this season. Really, insanely cute. A bit too ambient perhaps on the whole, but it works well enough. Prelicenced too, so I can already look forward to a 3 disc release outta Geneon. Besides, it’s does what it does well. “Cute, Pop and Loose(ly Organized)” as Geneon USA promo flyer says. Kinda weird how they aged up one of the characters though. I guess even Japan is getting flinchy about 16-year-olds who smoke and drink, or Geneon USA is worried about it. Not like it’s a mainstream show in either country, so I don’t get why they’d bother.
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that’s crazy talk, your in phase as much as anyone else in Bellevue, no way any cool people at AK would want you to “exile in Minnesota”. I think the whole city is in mid-summer phase shift, the year is more than half over and summer is going fast. Voldemort is president. things are hurtling towards an un certain future you might say. anyway have fun in Minnesota, ought to rent Fargo while your there, maybe a chromartiehighschool marathon
Comment by cadencencascade — July 19, 2005 @ 2:04 am